Thursday, August 4, 2016

Start Each Day With A Grateful Heart

I thank you, Lord!

I thank you, Lord for the loving family I have who supports me all the time.
I thank you, Lord for my parents who are healthy and enjoying the prime of their life.
I thank you, Lord for my siblings for their love regardless of the distance between us.

I thank you, Lord for the friends who continue to be there in good times and in bad.
I thank you, Lord for my colleagues whom I spend most time to learn and grow.
I thank you, Lord for the LYLL Manila community who inspires me to live my purpose.

I thank you, Lord for the new learnings through social media.
I thank you, Lord for the opportunity to walk my way to work for balance.
I thank you, Lord for the opportunity to write and share my thoughts with others every day.

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