Wednesday, August 3, 2016

What are you grateful for today?

This August, I commit to journaling daily for 10 minutes to express what I am grateful for.

Today, I am grateful for ... husband, Derick son, Nolan daughter, Rio.

Derick...met him in 1990 at Christ The King Mission Seminary.  He left 1993 for US as exchange student and came back 1995.  Our path crossed again in 1996 when he was out of the seminary. We had our first date at Whistlestop in Quezon City. Since then my life has never been the same... and as we celebrate our 15th year wedding anniversary as couple, he wrote a song about our love story which he sang during our celebration with close family and friends.  I will always be grateful for his patience, understanding, and love.

Nolan...our honeymoon baby.  He loves to touch my mole at my right shoulder to help fall asleep when he was still a baby.  He has my dimples and looks like me when he was a baby...but now he is mini me of his Dad. Now all grown up with muscular physique of a young man.  Very loving, sweet and kind.  He like it when he prefers that I prepare his food even as simple as debonning chicken so he can eat easily.

Rio...our princess.  She came just right in time...made in Paris during our European tour back in 2005.
My loveybaby girl who is now 10 still loves to ask for a hug as soon as she opens her eyes in the morning. We love our tickle time every morning before we prepare for school and work.  Now, she prefers to spend personal time playing mindcraft or watching you tube. She likes it when I drive her to school.

The family I have wished for 27 years ago during our Character Education class when my teacher asked me to list down what vision I have for my future 20 years from back then.

I will always be grateful for the gift of my family.

How about you? What are you grateful for today?

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