Monday, August 15, 2016

Love Express

Do you remember how we communicate back in the days when only telegram is available? You have to pay for every letter of your message.  And usually only not so good news is worth paying for as it is urgent and really need immediate action. The typical one that qualifies for "a matter of life and death" situation.

It was extra difficult back then for families who are working abroad given the snail and voice recording to share stories about love ones. It takes weeks or even months if coming from the provinces. It requires extra amount of time and effort to write long hand. With paper supplies and postage fee to allocate in your budget.

Back in the days, only Dad is away from the family.  But today, my siblings are all across the globe...Kuya Homer in Canada, Donna in Virginia and Hanssen in Saudi Arabia. We are fortunate to have every social network available, to know what is the latest happening in their side of the world. 

Today, I am grateful to social media that allows me to send my love to my families instantly. No limitation of number of words and you can even broadcast it to the world.  Messesaging comes easy with availability of unlimited wi-fi access in the Philippines. You have variety of options in the types of medium you want to leverage.

I am especially grateful for the opportunity to chat with my siblings real time, any time. And what's more fun is a group chat that everyone can comment and react to what is happening in the other side of the world. Even ordinary days becomes extra special to bond just by sharing what you have for breakfast. Or even quick shot of where you are and what have you been up to lately.

Thanks to social media because even costs for international calls are now free compared in the past that you have to limit your call time based on budget. And you can even reunite with friends back in primary, high school and college. And don't forget colleagues from previous company you have worked for. 

Today, we are even free to declare our appreciation and share our stories with friends online. Social media if used for the right purpose provides you the opportunity to have balance in this busy world. 
Be responsible in using these technology advancement for the right purpose. 

Always remember to be positive and express love.  I call it...Love Express.

Thank you for even taking time to read  my gratitude journal. 

Have a nice week ahead!

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