Saturday, August 6, 2016

Blessings In Disguise

I will always be grateful for the life I have lived thus far...

Have you managed to prepare your journey line?

It is a snapshot of your life story with highs and lows.  It summarizes the key milestones of your life that make up who you are today. 

Whenever I look back about my life's low points, I always feel grateful. They have made me a stronger and better person in the process. 

To share a few of my lowest points in life....

My Dad left for Saudi to support the family when I was 9. He lived there for 20 years.

At a very young age of 21, as one of the company executives, I was part of a labor case for illegal dismissal even if I had nothing to do with the case. I was like the "fall guy" for key executives who were from influential families of the industry and society. I have applied to every single job opening for Accounting graduates in the metro... I got accepted and signed contracts for several companies but only to be called that they are no longer interested before my first day at work. Only because of the case being associated to me. To make the long story short, I was unemployed for nearly 6months. 

I was 31 when I was diagnosed with Herpes Zoster. A rare illness and normal for 60 years old and above. It served as a wake up call for me to change my liefstyle.


I always thank God for those people who have been involved in these low points in my life.  They were instrumental to who I have become in the process.   I make it a point to pray for them as a way of saying "thank you".  

My life's low points are precursor to something new and big for me. I will always be grateful to God for these events in my life. They can be associated to a crossroad for a common reference to many but I call them my defining moments. 

I will forever be grateful for they are my blessings in disguise.  

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