Monday, August 29, 2011

Your Name is a Clue to Your Calling

In March 2008, I came to read about the article of Bo Sanchez: Your Name is a Clue to Your CallingIt was a very inspiring article that made me research for my name and what it means.

Micaela \m(i)-cae-la\ as a girl's name is a variant of Michaela (Hebrew) and Michelle (French, Hebrew), and the meaning of Micaela is "who resembles God?".  

David \d(a)-vid\ as a boy's name is pronounced DAY-vid. It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of David is "beloved" or "friend".  

I remember when I was in school, I never get to meet anybody with the same name as mine. Now knowing my names meaning, I realized it takes a person of character to be given such name to live up to its calling.

As you follow me in this site, may I be able to live up to my calling as natural as can be.  As we develop friendship along the journey of the rainbow of life. 
Now, it's your time to know how your name reveal what you are called for.

Enjoy your search to your true purpose and meaning in life. 

PHOENIX : My Dream Team!


As I celebrate my 4 years with the the company and the project, I am overwhelmed with gratefulness in my heart to have finally achieved the Dream Team that most leaders would hope for. 

Allow me to share with you a brief account of the 4 years of working together as a team influencing others of our experiences and successes, mistakes and lessons learned, and empowering each one by leveraging on each others strength to make a difference

Humble Beginnings
Last September 3, 2007, I was asked to join Project L&G (Leadership and Growth) with 90 staff.  The project team with the highest attrition and very low morale, then known as "don't dare to join" project and commonly referred to as "Hell and G".  The team was coming from changing leadership, various operational and service escalations and displeased client. A record of all time low engagement index of 28% in 2006. 

Project L&G has improved team engagement by 37 points in 2007.  We have worked at all the root cause analysis of the issues and challenges across all stakeholders from client to the team and management.  Allowing all levels to participate and do their share in transforming L&G through the various project committees established such as People Agenda, Finance & Logistics, Training and Operational Excellence. 
As the Service Delivery Lead, I was awarded the Core Value of Integrity during the Gantimpala Awards in 2008.

Given the team performance, we were awarded a new contract for its Medical business. It was under a new set of leadership as it started, but given the challenges at the early stages of transition, I was asked to adopt Project Nexus in November 2008. It was then part of the HR (High Risk) List.  A list being monitored monthly at the global leadership. We have turned the challenges into long hours of  hard work, dedication and motivation from the team which has taken us out of the HR List in less than 6 months.

After a few months, I was asked to integrate Project STF (Shaping The Future) with 37 FTEs from another contract for the same client under my leadership in early 2009.  
During the same year, we were awarded "Special Citation for Quick Turn Around of SLA" during the Natatanging Gawad Award.

With all the three teams combined, we have agreed to start fresh and new.  With the decision is a campaign to suggest the new name.  After several wave of selection process and final votation from across all delivery centers, the new name was finally decided and was given client approval.  

Mythology A bird in Egyptian mythology that lived in the desert for 500 years and then consumed itself by fire, later to rise renewed from its ashes. A person or thing of unsurpassed excellence or beauty; a paragon.

Rising from the Ashes
Living up to its new name, with improved service delivery, we continue to have organic growth which provided opportunities for most of the team to advance in their career while continuously working for the project over the years. 
We have also transitioned some countries from North America given our world class intercompany performance.  These on top of all countries in scope for Intercompany have consistently outperformed itself over the quarters which brought our countries in scope to the top 25 Best Performing Companies.  We have set the client's global standard from 30% to 15% in 2010 and 10% this 2011.   

Our EMEA contract is now a team of 82.  And was also awarded 2 years renewal early in 2010 prior to its contact expiration this 2011.  APAC contracts were likewise renewed twice in 2 years totalling to another 5-year term from original contract in 2010. 
As the Service Delivery Lead, I was awarded "Delivery and Operational Excellence" in 2010.

To date, we continue to export talents and new leaders, at a record of 65 (30% of the current size of 235) for new projects coming to the country, Philippines as of August 2011.  Our current leadership team is composed of team who started as processors in the early waves of the project. 

Beyond Expectation!
Over the years since the birth of project PHOENIX, the team has gained several recognitions and commendations from both client and management. 

Being the first F&A contract in the Philippines, and the many success stories of the project over the years, we continue to be one of the showcase deals for Finance & Accounting services.  

As we export new leaders and continuously provided EXCELLENCE in both service delivery and people agenda, we continue to aim high and is now looking at moving Phoenix to the next level...Phoenix 2.0 as we call it.

As we end our fiscal year, celebrating our many successes this FY11 along with our loyalty awardees...we have gathered as one family at the Rizal Ballroom of Makati Shangrila Hotel with our SDO Lead and APAC OADM joining us. 

As each unit continue to rally to the challenge of "MAKE YOUR OWN MARK" and in anticipation of more years of working together and performing BEYOND EXPECTATION.

As I welcome the new year with the company this FY12, I take pride in working with my dream team, Project PHOENIX!  The Dream Team that continue to make me proud! 

Aim High, Project Phoenix

Prayer of Abundance [from The Feast of Bo Sanchez]

Since I first attended "The Feast" of Bo Sanchez in 2007, I have made this as my daily prayer.  It has directed my day to day to be accept God's abundance into my life.  The second part of the prayer allows me to surrender all my worries and anxieties to Him and seek for his guidance to help me see things through. I want to share this prayer to you in gratefulness of how I was blessed since.

Today, I receive all of God's love for me
Today, I open myself to the unbounded limitless
overflowing abundance of God's universe
Today, I open myself to your
blessings, healings and miracles
Today, I open myself to God's word
so that I become like Jesus everyday
Today, I proclaim that
  I'm God's Beloved
  I'm God's Servant
  I"m God's Powerful Champion
And because I am blessed,
I will bless the world in Jesus name.

Lord, I surrender to you,
my worries and anxieties
I surrender to you my needs,
my problems and my trials
I place them all in your big hands!
And I open myself  to all that
you want to give to me
On this day, I say YES to your blessings,
to your healings and your miracles in my life.
I believe that you answer my prayers
in the best way possible.
And I thank you in advance
for the perfect answers to my prayers.
I also ask for your special
intercession of Mama Mary. 
I pray all this in the name of the Father,
and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Is your name consistent with your personality?

As I take interest in knowing myself, I came across this interesting site that provides for name analysis. It only takes a few minutes and its worth knowing something that may reveal who you are.

Here's what I got.

Name: Micaela
  • Your first name of Micaela has created a deep, sensitive, refined nature with an intelligent mind.
  • As you are particularly clever along business lines, and have mathematical ability and a keen appreciation of material values, you are inclined towards the business world.
  • You would do well in a managerial position, as you have executive ability and a poised manner able to take charge and see that procedures are followed.
  • You appreciate the finer things of life and look for quality in your material possessions
  • Your sensitivity and rather reserved manner make it very difficult for people really to know you.
  • You are serious-minded and not inclined to make light of things even in little ways, and in your younger years you had more mature interests than others your age.
  • Home and family mean a great deal to you and it is natural that you should desire the security of a peaceful, settled home environment where you can enjoy the companionship of family and friends.
  • Whatever you set out to accomplish you do your very best to complete in accordance with what you consider to be right.
Name : David
  • The name David creates the urge to be creative and original, but we point out that it limits your versatility and scope, tuning you to technical details.
  • Your name of David has given you a very practical, hard-working, systematic nature.
  • Your interests are focused on technical, mechanical, and scientific things, rather than interests of an artistic, musical, or social nature.
  • You have a rather skeptical outlook on life and rather materialistic standards.
  • In reaching your goals, you are very independent and resourceful, patient and determined.
  • You can be so very positive and definite in your own ideas and opinions that others sense a lack of tact and friendliness in your manner of expression.

For most of you who know me for a long time now, you will agree to most of these statements.  I will surely appreciate if you can share your thoughts on how accurate these are as far as how you have known me over the years.

Now, it's your time to know how your name reveal who you are.

Enjoy your journey to self discovery!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Why Rainbow of Life?

My life has been very all its dimensions.

With Rainbow of Life, I hope to share with you what makes my life colorful.
Each of the 7 colors of the rainbow will represent one dimension of my life.  

We all have our view of life... be it as a pessimist or as an optimist.  But definitely each and every aspect contributed to the person I am today.

As we journey together, I will share with you my life story, the lessons I've learned and the inspirations that led me to this wonderful life I have today and what keeps me going. 

I hope you enjoy reading each of the blogs I will post and I will appreciate your thoughts, insights and comments as you see the value of my sharing in your own life.

Friday, August 26, 2011


Be yourself. Be the best you can be.
Every problem is a blessing in disguise. Remain positive.
Leave a legacy. Make a difference.
Innovate. New ideas, new ways. Challenge the status quo.
Excel in everything you do.  Big or small.
Visualize. Looking ahead. Claim it as done.
Experience life.  Balance is important.  Life is what you make it.

I KEEP 5 Tips for Success

           I KEEP

           INTEGRITY.  Doing what is right  even when no one is around. Be reliable.  “Walk the Talk”.
           KNOWLEDGE. Continue to Learn. Sharpen your skills. Never waste time.
           EXCELLENCE. Do more than is required. Exceed Expectation.
           ENGAGEMENT.  Maintain a positive attitude.  Even under pressure, or change, or unrealistic demands, don’t allow yourself to become negative.
           PASSION. Work with enthusiasm.  Big or small, give it your best.